Mindprint is a self-paced online cognitive assessment. It was developed by scientists at Penn Medicine with a grant from the National Institute of Mental Health. It measures the ten cognitive skills most closely correlated to success in academics and on standardized tests. The Mindprint reports give tutors insights into the unique learning needs of each of their students and allows them to customize their instruction to maximize both their efficiency and effectiveness leading to better student outcomes. A practice test will tell you what a student got wrong, Mindprint will tell why and what you can do about it.
The Mindprint Test Prep Reports are specifically designed to support students and tutors who are prepping for the SAT and ACT. The reports will tell you whether a student has a cognitive affinity for one test over the other and by how much. They will project potential scoring ranges for each test and each section and provide a worksheet to help tutors identify the areas of greatest potential improvement. They also map suggested test prep and learning strategies to each individual student’s unique strengths.
When you take the Mindprint Cognitive Assessment through World Class Tutoring, you and your tutor will receive access to the full battery of Mindprint reports. We will use this information together with the results of practice tests and any other information you share with us to plan the best tutoring experience for the student.
Cognitive skills measured by this test: Visual Motor Speed, Processing Speed, Attention, Working Memory, Flexible Thinking, Verbal Reasoning, Abstract Reasoning, Spatial Perception, Verbal Memory, Visual Memory
Reports: Academic Profile, SAT Report, ACT Report, SAT/ACT Report, Student Learner Profile
Also includes: Student learner toolbox with the top strategies recommended for your student
Check out this video for more information on what Mindprint does.
This Mindprint skills assessment can be purchased separately or purchased as an add-on to our tutoring packages.
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