Getting into your dream college is going to require hard work throughout the school year. Studying isn’t exactly the most fun activity, but it’s necessary…
Test Prep is proud to welcome Jon Welsh to our tutoring team! Jon has been educating and training people throughout his careers. He has worked…
The College Board announced some significant changes to the SAT today. If you are a high school junior or sophomore, no need to worry. These…
Congratulations to the class of 2021! Here are some of the colleges and universities where TP4S students were accepted in 2021. We’re so proud of…
Attention Rising Seniors! Our friends at The College Spy are offering a FREE webinar to get you started on your summer college planning. This summer…
Test Prep for Success just teamed up with Link for Counselors to help your high school students “Plan ahead for the SAT and ACT.” This…
New ACT and SAT Practice Questions World Class Tutoring is happy to announce that new ACT and SAT practice questions are available for free on…
TP4S director, Heather Krey, was quoted in The City Review article about applying to college in 2020. How will the pandemic change applying to…
New ACT dates added Here’s some good news for rising seniors: the ACT is adding more test dates. This means that if you want to…
After taking a few days off for a virtual spa treatment, is back in business and better than ever! Check out these great features…